Quiz: Applying a Trauma-Informed Approach to Forensic Mental Health Assessment: Practical Considerations and Ethical Tensions (OT157-A) Quiz – Applying a Trauma-Informed Approach to Forensic Mental Health Assessment… First Name * Last Name * Email * 1) The effects of ACEs can __________ over time. * Be treated Add up Become obvious None of the above 2) Which of the following groups is less likely than other groups to have experienced ACEs? * People making more than $15,00 per year People with less than a high school education Black, Hispanic/Latino, or multiracial people People who are unemployed 3) According to Allely & Alley, 2020, a common thread among victims and offenders is exposure to * The criminal justice system. Press coverage. Maltreatment and ACEs. Community rejection. 4) Which of the following did Logan-Greene and colleagues, 2017, find interfered with probation compliance in court-involved youths? * Childhood maltreatment Suicidal ideation Psychological problems All of the above 5) During the sentencing phase, the evaluator might be asked to weigh in on how trauma-related symptoms potentially related to the offender’s * Early childhood experiences. Mental state at the time of offense. Previous offenses. Behavior in court. 6) According to Goldenson & Brodsky, 2021, for some people, developing the biological mechanisms to become resilient and stable is * inevitable. unachievable. a luxury. None of the above 7) Which of part of Maslow’s hierarchy triangle is at the top? * Self-actualization Safety Physiological Love/belonging 8) Although diagnosis is not the primary goal of forensic evaluations (American Psychological Association,2013), a diagnosis frequently becomes the shorthand by which ______________ is demonstrated” (Bailey & Brown, 2020) * the value of treatment impairment in functioning the preference for parole over incarceration All of the above 9) A single incident trauma, e.g., a sudden and unexpected trauma, is categorized as _______ trauma. * Type I Type II Complex None of the above 10) Complex traumas lead to complex * Treatment approaches. Presentations. Court decisions. Childhoods. 11) Given the panoply of symptoms related to exposure to trauma and adversity, a strong _______ can be much more informative than simply providing a diagnostic label. * Recommendation regarding RNR Recommendation for sentencing Analysis of the offense Developmental formulation 12) Which of the following is NOT one of the five guiding principles of TI-FMHA? * Safety Trust Correlation Choice 13) When assessing trauma-affected examinees, it is important to maintain _________ while developing sufficient rapport. * impartiality role clarity confidentiality fidelity 14) Which of the following is a dimension of the empathy construct? * Cognitive empathy Affective empathy Reflective empathy All of the above 15) Too much emotional resonance and over-identifying with an examinee is a potential hindrance to * affective empathy. cognitive empathy. reflective empathy. None of the above. 16) Guarded examinees becoming more inclined to open up is a potential benefit of * affective empathy. cognitive empathy. reflective empathy. None of the above. 17) What type of trauma symptoms can be misconstrued by mental health evaluators who have not been comprehensively trained in trauma and its sequelae? * Non-verbal Type I Complex Cultural 18) The ________ lobes of the brains of Romanian orphans were shown to be quiescent by PET scans. * parietal occipital frontal temporal 19) In an examinee’s court testimony, hyperarousal is commonly misinterpreted as * antisociality. psychopathy. poor credibility. None of the above 20) In an examinee’s court testimony, emotional numbing is commonly misinterpreted as * antisociality. psychopathy. poor credibility. None of the above 21) In an examinee’s court testimony, poor narrative memory is commonly misinterpreted as * antisociality. psychopathy. poor credibility. None of the above 22) Which of the following is a cue for hyperarousal? * Lack of initiative Poor eye contact Reduced orientation to past, present, or future Disorganized thinking 23) Which of the following is a cue for detecting hypoarousal? * Psychomotor agitation Changes in eye contact Slowed speech Rapid heartbeat 24) True or false? Denial of information already reported earlier in the interview is a cue for dissociation. * True False 25) Which of the following is a benefit of the ACE questionnaire? * It can account for the frequency, severity, and duration of traumatic events. It can be used as a psychometric tool. It can generate information about early life experiences. It can measure potential adversity after 18. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ