Quiz: An Introduction to Trauma and Grief Component Therapy for Adolescents

(OT241-A) Quiz: An Introduction to Trauma and Grief Component Therapy for Adolescents

Training Title: An Introduction to Trauma and Grief Component Therapy for Adolescents
This exam contains 15 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 12 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like.

1. Which of the following can result from chronic trauma exposure?
2. What does the “C” in TGCTA stand for?
3. How many modules are in the TGCTA modular structure?
4. The TGCTA focusses on the peer groups of chronically traumatized adolescents rather than their families because many of these adolescents
5. Which of the following has NOT shown to be a result of TGCTA implementation in US schools?
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the US states where TGCTA is currently being trained and sustained in a residential youth center?
7. In what US state is TGCTA being implemented in clinics for survivors of hurricanes and school shootings?
8. Among the 142 Ohio JJ youths at intake, what percentage reported that they have an imprisoned family member?
9. At one JJ residential site implementing TGCTA, incident reports went from 157 in 2010 to ___ in 2014.
10. For what adolescent problem did the UCLA RI for DSM 5 show significant reductions when modules I & IV were implemented?
11. Adolescents with trauma and loss histories reported that the TGCTA groups taught them how to
12. What is step 4 of SLOW Down?
13. Overcoming traumatic avoidance and addressing distorted perceptions and attributions are general goals of Module II
14. Module III Working Through Grief Experiences is a strength-based non-___________ approach to grief.
15. True or false? Traumatic loss is the most frequently reported type of childhood adversity in a national sample of clinic-referred youths.