Quiz: A Understanding the Influence of Early Attachments (OT112-A) Quiz – A Understanding the Influence of Early Attachments First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. In the Bowlby/Ainsworth theory, attachment is seen as ____. * a. A trait, closely related to the trait of dependency b. A relationship concept c. One of five aspects of the child’s temperament d. A characteristic of the infant that wanes in later development 2. In Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, infants are judged as securely attached if they ____. * a. Cry more than other babies b. Spend more time next to their mothers c. Don’t need to go to their mothers following the separations d. None of these 3. Which of the following are the three characteristics of development? * a. Orderly, cumulative, and directed b. Genetic, environmental, and prenatal c. Organized, circumstantial, and genetic d. None of the above 4. In Ainsworth’s conceptualization, an infant will have confidence in a caregiver who ____. * a. Is unusually bothered by the infant’s crying b. Is prone to feel rejected when the infant is not responsive c. Has especially acute hearing and vision d. Is responsive to the infant’s signals 5. Disorganized attachment has been demonstrated to be linked to ____. * a. Frightening parental behavior b. Insults during prenatal life c. Newborn infant temperament d. Marital discord 6. In attachment research, the term “resistant” is used to describe infants who____. * a. Fail to attach to their parents b. Avoid their caregiver during reunions c. Express wariness in the caregiver’s presence d. Have a history of emotional unavailability and rejection 7. A clear indication in the Strange Situation that an infant is secure in the relationship is that the infant ____. * a. Avoids the advances of the stranger b. Stays by the caregiver at all times c. shows a balance between exploration and contact seeking d. Is not easily comforted by the caregiver 8. Which of the following does the Mackenzie and McDonough study measure? * a. Fussiness at 7 and 15 months b. Behavior problems at 24 months c. Parent reactions to fussiness d. All of the above 9. In this presentation it was argued that ____. * a. The self is present at birth b. There can be no self before the child is capable of language c. The self is merely a projection of the parent’s mind d. The relationship with the caregiver precedes the emergence of the self 10. Which of the following is NOT true of attachment as a relationship concept? * a. It is distinct from temperament b. It is a measure of the infant c. It measures the degree of confidence the infant has in the caregiver d. All of the above 11. True or False? Children who experience secure attachment are confident in their caregivers’ responsiveness. (slide 24) * a. True b. False 12. Which of the following was observed for those who experienced avoidant attachment? * a. Little emotional sharing b. Active avoidance following brief separations c. Little obvious preference for the caregiver when stressed d. All of the above 13. The compelling idea underlying attachment theory is that the way an infant-caregiver attachment is organized provides the ____ for the emergence and unfolding of the infant’s self. * a. Pattern b. Process c. Regulation d. Attachment 14. Which of the following are the three determinants of development * a. Nature, nurture, and stability b. Temperament, IQ, and age c. Genes, environment, past development d. Orderly, cumulative, and directed 15. True or False? The key result of the Mackenzie & McDonough study were that parent reaction at 7 months predicts infant fussiness at 23 months. * a. True b. False 16. Which of the following is true of attachment as a relationship? * a. It forms over time b. It continue to develop c. It is built upon a history of interaction d. All of the above 17. The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaption emphasized which type of relationship? * a. Friendship b. Acquaintanceship c. Early d. Romantic 18. True or False? Bowlby hypothesized that dyadic organization is the foundation for self-organization. * a. True b. False 19. Which of the following is part of the origins of an infant’s security? * a. Sensitivity and responsiveness of the caregiver b. Difficulty being settled by the caregiver c. Confidence in the caregiver d. Both a. and c. 20. True or False? Infants can become “too attached.” * a. True b. False 21. True or False? In the development of the self, dyadic organization is followed by self-organization. * a. True b. False 22. Which of the following statements is true about disorganized attachment? * a. Caregivers are a source of threat b. It is manifested by apprehension or confusion c. It is manifested by disorientation and incoherence d. All of the above 23. Which of the following is a characteristic of anxious attachment? * a. Doubt or uncertainty about caregiver responsiveness b. Caregiver attunement c. Caregiver sensitivity and responsiveness d. None of the above 24. True or False? Anxious attachment is considered a risk factor in regard to developmental psychopathology. * a. True b. False 25. Which of the following statements is true about resistant attachment? * a. There is little obvious preference for the caregiver when stressed b. The child exhibits wariness even in caregiver’s presence c. There is a shifting balance of attachment d. All of the above Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ