Quiz: A Understanding the Influence of Early Attachments

(OT112-A) Quiz – A Understanding the Influence of Early Attachments
1. In the Bowlby/Ainsworth theory, attachment is seen as ____.
2. In Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, infants are judged as securely attached if they ____.
3. Which of the following are the three characteristics of development?
4. In Ainsworth’s conceptualization, an infant will have confidence in a caregiver who ____.
5. Disorganized attachment has been demonstrated to be linked to ____.
6. In attachment research, the term “resistant” is used to describe infants who____.
7. A clear indication in the Strange Situation that an infant is secure in the relationship is that the infant ____.
8. Which of the following does the Mackenzie and McDonough study measure?
9. In this presentation it was argued that ____.
10. Which of the following is NOT true of attachment as a relationship concept?
11. True or False? Children who experience secure attachment are confident in their caregivers’ responsiveness. (slide 24)
12. Which of the following was observed for those who experienced avoidant attachment?
13. The compelling idea underlying attachment theory is that the way an infant-caregiver attachment is organized provides the ____ for the emergence and unfolding of the infant’s self.
14. Which of the following are the three determinants of development
15. True or False? The key result of the Mackenzie & McDonough study were that parent reaction at 7 months predicts infant fussiness at 23 months.
16. Which of the following is true of attachment as a relationship?
17. The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaption emphasized which type of relationship?
18. True or False? Bowlby hypothesized that dyadic organization is the foundation for self-organization.
19. Which of the following is part of the origins of an infant’s security?
20. True or False? Infants can become “too attached.”
21. True or False? In the development of the self, dyadic organization is followed by self-organization.
22. Which of the following statements is true about disorganized attachment?
23. Which of the following is a characteristic of anxious attachment?
24. True or False? Anxious attachment is considered a risk factor in regard to developmental psychopathology.
25. Which of the following statements is true about resistant attachment?