Quiz: A Solution-Focused Approach to Preventing Suicide

(OT240-A) Quiz: A Solution-Focused Approach to Preventing Suicide
1. Who is the co-founder of the solution-focused approach mentioned in the training?
2. What is mentioned as an essential component of counseling individuals with suicidal thoughts?
3. What types of trauma have Henden’s clients experienced?
4. What is Henden’s view on hope and optimism in working with suicidal clients?
5. What does Henden say about using solution-focused techniques with clients who have been in the system for a long time?
6. What is one of the key aspects of solution-focused therapy?
7. Risk assessments in mental health services are:
8. The solution-focused approach is about risk
9. True or False: Research supports the idea that avoiding conversations about suicide can prevent someone from considering it.
10. What question that clients ask themselves is answered within the first 10 minutes of a session?
11. Which is NOT a key principle of the solution-focused approach?
12. True or False: Asking the client what is working in their life shifts the focus from the problem to a solution.
13. What does the “miracle question” in solution-focused therapy aim to do?
14. What is a common reason people get stuck, according to solution-focused therapy?
15. What happens when a suicidal person feels that the practitioner is not open or direct about their suicidal thoughts?
16. True or False: Humor can be used in solution-focused therapy to “degrim” the session.
17. What role does optimism play in solution-focused therapy?
18. What is the primary goal when working with a suicidal client using the solution-focused approach?
19. True or False: In solution-focused therapy, it’s important to spend several sessions getting to know the client before starting the actual work.
20. What is the purpose of asking presuppositional questions in solution-focused therapy?
21. Which of the following is NOT one of the “Triple Twins” of solution-focused success?
22. What approach does Henden recommend when a client mentions suicidal thoughts?
23. True or False: Solution-focused therapy encourages clients to take large steps towards change.
24. What is Henden’s recommended approach when starting a second or subsequent session with a client?
25. What is the purpose of the “coping question” in solution-focused therapy?
26. True or False: In solution-focused therapy, it’s important to focus on the client’s past to understand their current problems.
27. What is the purpose of the “graveside scenario” technique in solution-focused therapy?
28. What is the recommended approach when a client can’t change their situation (e.g., long-term incarceration)?
29. Another name Bill O’Hanlon gives to the solution-focused approach is
30. The “Triple Twins of solution focused success” include:
31. The question that is always great to ask because it goes into client strengths is
32. According to Henden, ________ is one of the most empowering questions one person can ever ask another.
33. Henden suggests using a ________ scale when asking clients to rate their progress or suicidal thoughts.
34. When working with suicidal clients, Henden emphasizes the importance of generating other ________ to the suicide option.
35. According to surveys mentioned in the training, over ________% of people who attempted suicide said they wanted to get rid of the pain, not their lives.