Quiz: 47 Years of Treating Sexual Abuse by Juveniles: Who Are These Kids, and How Do We Help Them? (NOT152-A) Quiz – 47 Years of Treating Sexual Abuse by Juveniles: Who Are These Kids, and How Do We Help Them? First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. True or False? Maintaining good personal and professional boundaries is critical. * a. True b. False 2. To work best with sexually abusive juveniles, professionals must: * a. Understand safety plans. b. Understand how to work with parents of youth in treatment. c. Become more aware of professional boundary issues and how to avoid boundary invasion. d. All of the above 3. ____ percent of female college students report unwanted sexual contact. * a. 8.4 b. 14.2 c. 34 d. 45 4. True or False? A lower staff-client ratio is recommended for group therapy with clients age 5-11. a. True b. False 5. Which of the following is a factor that encourages sexual offending from a young age? * a. Encouraging play with younger children b. Allowing bedroom play and sharing c. Keeping pornography in your home d. All of the above 6. True or False? U.S. states and other countries have different sexual offense laws. * a. True b. False 7. Which of the following is an issue of polygraphs? * a. Does not meet standards for reliability and validity utilized by the APA b. Results can be wrong c. Few controlled studies regarding use of the polygraph d. All of the above 8. Clients who offend after age 15 in Washington State must wait ___ years before petitioning the court to have the registration requirement dismissed. * a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d. 9 9. Which state does NOT have a registration requirement for juvenile sex offenders? * a. New Jersey b. Vermont c. Maine d. California 10. How do children develop sexual behavior problems? * a. Sexual abuse experiences b. Coping response to early neglect/trauma c. Modeling of others d. All of the above 11. True or False? Some states require individuals who sexually offend to register when visiting for a certain amount of time. * a. True b. False 12. ___ is a unique Washington term that refers to children or adolescents with sexual behavior problems. * a. SSODA b. SAY c. CAS d. CSB 13. Which of the following is a reason why clients do not often self-report? * a. They feel shame b. They feel embarrassed c. They fear consequences d. All of the above 14. Which of the following is NOT an example of banishment? * a. Adolescents who are not allowed to participate in sports at their school b. Adolescents who are welcome at family gatherings c. Adolescents who are not allowed to attend private schools d. Adolescents my not be allowed to go to parks, malls, or other places where children may be present 15. Which of the following is a basic guideline of safety and supervision plans for children and adolescents with sexual behavior problems? * a. Eliminate specific risks or temptations b. Encourage physical activity that competes with sexual arousal c. Encourage peer-age, healthy, social interactions d. All of the above 16. In a meta-analysis by Caldwell (2007) ___ percent of the new sexual offenses in the follow-up period were committed by the non sex-offending delinquents. * a. 25 b. 38 c. 85 d. 94 17. Which of the following is true of the typical sexual offender? * a. There is no sex offender profile b. They are a heterogeneous group c. They may be more similar to the general population than different d. All of the above 18. ____ percent of male college students report sexual abuse by physical force. * a. .7 b. 1.9 c. 31 d. 34 19. Sex offenders visiting Florida must register there if they will be there __ or more consecutive days. * a. 5 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10 20. In Washington State, ___ happens after a child has been released from an institution. * a. Probation b. SSODA c. Parole d. None of the above 21. Which of the following is a risk point in reference to sexual abuse of children? * a. During onset of puberty b. At or after age 18 c. At any age d. Both a. and b. 22. True or False? Children and adolescents with developmental delays have different sexual drives and feelings as higher functioning youth. * a. True b. False 23. Caldwell (2007) found that juvenile sex offenders were ___ times more likely to be charged with a non-sexual offense than a sexual offense. * a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 12 24. Which of the following encourages children to develop normal sexual behaviors and interests? * a. Healthy friendships and appropriate dating b. Disclosure of history before sexual intercourse c. Sexual behavior problems do not necessarily preclude dating. d. All of the above 25. Up to ____ percent of female college students report sexual abuse while incapacitated. * a. 8.4 b. 14.2 c. 31 d. 34 Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ