Post-Course Exam- Part 1: Assessing and Treating Adolescents Who Sexually Abuse: Learning (And Re-Learning) the Basics (OC101-A)

OC101-A Part 1 Quiz
1. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of adversity we need to understand beyond the basics?
2. True or false? From society’s point of view, getting an adolescent offender to not re-offend is enough.
3. In Abbey et al.’s 2001 study of 343 college men, ____% of the respondents reported having engaged in some form of sexual assault.
4. In terms of the “bottom line,” what perspective do we need to have over and above psychological and criminological perspectives?
5. One of the reasons why punishment doesn’t work is that punitive approaches produce ____________, not guilt.
6. True or false? Like medical health interventions, sex offender treatments focus on a cure, not a reduction of symptoms.
7. According to a meta-analysis of 129 studies, in general what kind of treatment was found to be ineffective when located in custodial settings?
8. Which of the following is NOT one of Andrews & Bonta’s three principles?
9. According to the risk principle, mismatching the level of treatment intensity to the level of risk posed by the client can result in:
10. According to Andrews & Bonta, the need principle is about targeting identified ___________ needs.
11. According to the Andrews & Bonta responsivity principle, which of the following is NOT one of the client characteristics that effective programs respond to?
12. What was the source of this quote: “Unsatisfactory attachments between parent and child poorly equip the child to develop the skills, self-confidence and confidence in others necessary for them to develop effective relationships.”?
13. Which of the following is NOT an attachment style?
14. Miner et al. observed that _______________ attachment styles are more prevalent in sexual offenders than non-sexual offenders.
15. True or false? According to Miner et al., a concept they called “masculine adequacy” was associated with the commission of child sexual abuse.
16. The average age of first offense is around:
17. Which of the following is NOT one of the best predictors of juvenile delinquency among general youth (ages 6–11), according to LaLumiere et al., 2004?
18. Which of the following is NOT one of the best predictors of juvenile delinquency among general youth (ages 12–14), according to LaLumiere et al., 2004?
19. True or false? Numerous large-scale studies have found that certain forms of punishment have reduced re-offense.
20. True or false? There is little evidence that juvenile “sex offender registries” reduce sexual offending.
21. Which of the following is NOT one of the six principles cited by the presenter?
22. According to Seto & LaLumere, 2010, compared with non-sex offenders, adolescents who abused had less extensive:
23. According to Seto & LaLumere, 2010, in what way were adolescents who abused and non-sex offending adolescents similar?
24. True or false? Adolescents who sexually abuse have less in common with other delinquent teens than they do with adult sexual offenders.
25. Which researchers said, “Adolescents with poor self-control tend to avoid situations of social control (supervision, discipline) and consequently tend to associate with peers who resemble them and who, like them, are likely to offend.”
26. True or false? Most young people who engage in antisocial conduct grow up to be antisocial adults.
27. Which of the following did DeVries Robbe et al., 2015, list as a protective factor?
28. Which of the following did DeVries Robbe et al., 2015, list as a desistance factor?
29. Which of the following did Marshall, 2005, list a quality that many people think they have but do not?
30. More than 1,100 studies have emphasized the importance in psychotherapy of:
31. According to Ford et al., 2012, approximately ____% of youth in juvenile detention facilities reported a history of exposure to at least one potentially traumatic event.