How to Effectively Use Dynamic Risk Assessment Tools: STABLE-2007 & ACUTE-2007 Training

Tagged as: Working with Adults,  Clinical Practice

When:   May 8 & 9, 2025
Time:   11:00 am-3:30 pm ET
Format:   Live interactive training offered via Zoom
Hosted By: David Prescott, LICSW, ATSA-F

Credit:   8 CE Credit Hours
Cost of training and CE certificate: $265.00
CE Eligibility: 8 Clinical Hours

To be eligible for CE credits, you must attend both live training sessions in their entirety.
The evaluation is optional, and you can remain anonymous.

Seats are Limited! Currently, there are 7 seats remaining.

Comprehensive risk assessment of adult males convicted of sexual offenses incorporates the use of instruments that assess both static and dynamic risk factors. While measures such as the Static-99R assess static risk factors, the STABLE-2007 & ACUTE-2007 are among the most widely used dynamic sexual offense specific risk assessment instruments in behavioral health, correctional, and court settings. These tools can also be used in combination with Static-99R to provide a more effective evaluation.

Understanding ACUTE-2007 and STABLE-2007


  • Assesses seven rapidly changing risk factors
  • Indicates imminent risk of sexual re-offense
  • Provides short-term risk indicators
  • Focuses on immediate behavioral warning signs


  • Evaluates dynamic (changing) risk factors
  • Targets criminogenic needs in correctional rehabilitation
  • Focuses on longer-term behavioral and psychological factors
  • Complements static risk measures like Static-99R

Research has consistently shown that high scores on these tools significantly enhance the predictive accuracy of sexual recidivism risk assessment.

During this eight-hour training, Katie Gotch, LPC, CCSOT, ATSA-F, provides an overview of the development and research of the STABLE-2007 and ACUTE-2007 instruments. She explains how to score each of the measures’ items, as well as their appropriate interpretation and use within varying settings. This includes recent guidance on the use of these tools with individuals convicted of child sexual abuse material-related offenses (CSAM). To enhance learning, case studies are incorporated to provide hands-on practice and to address common scoring and administration errors.

Training Prerequisites

While previous training on the Static-99R is preferred and recommended, it is not a mandatory requirement for participation in this training. Professionals from various backgrounds with an interest in sexual offense risk assessment are welcome to attend and will receive comprehensive instruction on these dynamic risk assessment tools.


This training is designed for mental health and criminal justice professionals who work with sexual offense risk assessment, including psychologists, social workers, licensed professional counselors, forensic evaluators, probation and parole officers, and other clinicians engaged in behavioral health and correctional settings.

Content Level



The presenter(s) does not have published materials related to the training from which they may benefit financially.


We can refund your training fee up to three days prior to the start of the training.

Continuing Education Approval

American Psychological Association (APA)
Safer Society Foundation, Inc. is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Safer Society Foundation, Inc. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Katie Gotch, LPC, CCSOT, ATSA-F
Clinician, Evaluator, Trainer, Educator, Safer Society Collaborator
Integrated Clinical & Correctional Services

Katie Gotch is a Safer Society Collaborator. She has worked in the field of sexual abuse prevention for well over twenty years as a clinician, evaluator, trainer, educator, and in the development of evidence-informed public policy. Katie currently maintains a private practice, Integrated Clinical & Correctional Services, which provides specialized clinical and consultation services related to individuals with sexual behavior problems and other forms of abusive/violent behavior. She frequently provides training to correctional agencies, treatment providers, policy makers, and other community partners on sexual abuse specific assessment, management and treatment; static and dynamic risk; public policy; public/media engagement; and related topics. She is a certified Static-99R/STABLE & ACUTE-2007 trainer. Katie has a long history of public policy and board involvement; She has served as the Public Policy Executive Board Member for ATSA, as a Board Member for NPEIV, and as the Policy Advisor for OATSA.

Online Training FAQs

How and Where?

These courses are offered online through Zoom. Courses are didactic in nature with periodic interaction between presenter and participants. Participants are required to remain in attendance for the entire runtime (break time is given for trainings that run for more than two hours). Throughout the trainings, attendees are allowed to ask the trainer(s) questions about the material. The trainers may also sometimes ask attendees to participate, but this is not required.

Registration Deadline?

24 hours before the scheduled start time of the program.

What kind of computer do I need?

Any device with internet capabilities, but we recommend either a desktop or a laptop, (Compatible with both Mac and Windows). A link to join the training will be sent to the email used during registration one day before the live event. If you would prefer to download the Zoom program prior to the event, it is available for download here:

What do I have to do?

All you have to do is be logged in to Zoom once the training begins and stay with us the entire time for both scheduled training days. The evaluation is optional and you can remain anonymous.

When I’m done, how do I get my credit?

After the live training is complete, a link to an evaluation form will be sent to you by email. Once we’ve verified you attended, a certificate of completion will be processed. You will receive your certificate by email. This process usually takes no more than 2-3 weeks.

What if the live online training is cancelled?

In the unlikely event of a cancellation of any live online training, Safer Society Foundation will notify registrants by email and provide a full refund for the cost of the registration.

Special Accommodations Statement

Safer Society Foundation is dedicated to meeting the needs of all attendees. Attendees will be provided with copies of the presenters’ materials (PowerPoint slides, images, etc.) for their own reference. Please note that our courses are offered online through an interactive live-feed. Closed captions will be available for all trainings, unless otherwise noted. If you are interested in attending a training but have a special accommodations request, please contact us prior to registration by email ( or phone at (802) 247-3132.