Course Quiz Part 5 Assessing and Treating Adolescents Who Sexually Abuse: Learning (And Re-Learning) the Basics (OC101-A)

OC101-A Part 5 Quiz
1. At the beginning of the training, the presenter asked attendees to consider that unless we are truly ________________ in our attempts to help people, we may not be helping them.
2. True or false? Being a little anxious about boundaries and ethics can be a good thing.
3. Which of the following is NOT one of the “big three” of ethical practice?
4. Asking yourself, “Have I done anything with a client I would not want my supervisor or my family to know about?” is a way to monitor yourself regarding:
5. According to Sawyer & Prescott, 2011, the therapist has _________ responsibility to the client.
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the three common ethical missteps cited by Novotny, 2020?
7. In a survey or therapists conducted by Pope & Vetter in 1992, which of the following categories of ethical quandaries was cited the least often by respondents?
8. What turns a boundary crossing into a boundary violation is that it:
9. True or false? Part of drawing a paycheck is showing up to work ready, willing, able, and rested.
10. The reasons for documentation are that it:
11. Which of the following is Not part of what makes a professional?
12. True or false? Part of team spirit is letting teammates know that everyone is depending on them.
13. True or false? Part of doing no harm means being strength-driven, not symptom-drive.
14. Which of the following violates the professional non-compete rule?
15. What do we call the basic concept which says that people form theories about themselves and others based on very little information?
16. Disregarding evidence that contradicts our beliefs is called:
17. True or false? An important part of collaboration is the correct use of jargon.
18. Which of the following is a good attitude to take to work?
19. Experiencing stress when hearing about dreadful things that have happened to others is called:
20. What individual factors are predictors & mediators of secondary traumatic stress effects?
21. What situational factors are predictors & mediators of secondary traumatic stress effects?
22. True or false. The more balanced we are across the full range of personal care, the more we are able to cope with the stresses and demands that we face.
23. When you see a professional building themself up by putting others down, it can mean you are seeing someone with:
24. According to Gannon et al., 2019, treatment is associated with a _______% reduction in sexual reoffending.
25. True or false? There can be more differences between the models we use than between therapists.
26. What is more important than treatment models and techniques?
27. When asked by Walfish et al., 2012, to rate their overall skill level, on average, clinicians rated themselves at the ____ percentile.
28. Preliminary evidence suggests that therapists need fewer sessions to achieve the same outcomes when they:
29. According to Miller, Duncan, et al., 2006, clients of therapists who did not seek feedback regarding the alliance were three times:
30. Which of the following was NOT an item rated by clients in the session rating scale developed by Miller, Duncan, & Johnson, 2002?
31. True or false? According to Fixsen et al., 2005, and Prescott et al., 2022, the first step when implementing new methods is to get your leadership on board.