The Safety Planning Intervention in Suicide Prevention
Please note: This training is not eligible for CE credits.
Each registration includes a certificate for attendance. To be eligible for a certificate, you must attend the entire live training and complete an evaluation form within 24 hours following the live event.
Developing comprehensive safety plans for people at risk of suicide is a vital clinical skill. However, the skill is rarely a focus of professional development efforts. This training addresses this gap by introducing the Safety Planning Intervention (SPI) (Stanley & Brown, 2012). The SPI is a brief, collaborative intervention that employs the identification of personalized strategies to aid in the prevention of escalation of suicidal crisis. With discussions and demonstrations enhancing his lecture, presenter Mark Margolis instructs attendees on the effective use of SPI as a suicide prevention intervention with at-risk clients.
Drawing from his 25-year career as a clinician in crisis services, Mr. Margolis provides an overview of the Safety Planning Intervention, which encompasses:
- Encouraging the person to tell their story about their recent crisis
- Reviewing the “suicide risk curve”
- Identifying warning signs
- Utilizing personalized coping strategies
- Recognizing people who can be helpful
- Making the environment safe
- Developing the safety plan
- Providing guidance on its implementation
- Conducting follow-up reviews
The SPI’s versatile structure makes it a natural fit to a wide range of settings, empowering professionals to take comprehensive measures in suicide prevention.
Interactive Follow-Up Meeting
Attendees are invited to join an open discussion 15 minutes following the end of the training, where you can engage with fellow attendees by turning on your camera and microphone. This is an opportunity to share your experiences and contribute to a meaningful exchange of ideas. Time will be allocated to address questions or insights from the training. Please note that attendance is optional and will not affect your eligibility for a training certificate.
Stanley, B., & Brown, G. (2012). Safety Planning Intervention: A brief intervention to mitigate suicide risk. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 19(2), 256–264.
1) Analyze and interpret the suicide risk curve to better understand the dynamics of suicidal crises
2) Explain the importance of using a structured approach to suicide assessment and prevention
3) Demonstrate proficiency in implementing the Safety Planning Intervention (SPI) technique in various clinical scenarios.
This training is for professionals who work with clients at risk for suicidal ideation or behaviors. This includes mental health counselors, social workers, clinical psychologists, forensic experts, and paraprofessionals.
Content Level
Who's Presenting

Mark Margolis, MA
Mark Margolis, Psychologist, MA, is a Vermont licensed Psychologist who has worked in the field of mental health crisis services for nearly 25 years. In addition to years of practice supporting individuals in suicide crisis as a crisis professional, Mr. Margolis is a certified trainer in Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM), UMatter suicide prevention and awareness training, and a provisionally certified trainer in the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). Mr. Margolis is certified in the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) and is a career Suicidologist. Currently Mr. Margolis is serving as the Suicide Prevention Coordinator and a Clinical Manager for Howard Center in Chittenden County, Vermont.