Quiz: Using a Developmental Lens to Promote Prosocial Skills in Adolescent Clients (OT198-A) Quiz: Using a Developmental Lens to Promote Prosocial Skills in Adolescent Clients First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. What did Harry Stack Sullivan say bursts forth a puberty regardless of the individual’s readiness for it? * Lust dynamism Impulsivity Vulnerability Self-regulation 2. What can be added to increased sex drive and lack of maturity of control systems to create an accident waiting to happen for a youth? * Poor self-image Disruptive factors Cognitive dissonance Vulnerability 3. The NCSBY website includes * cataloged assessment instruments. registration law information by state. fact sheets. All of the above 4. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974 provided funding for * research on JwSO treatment. mandatory reporting laws. treatment of abused children. All of the above 5. True or false? The sexual offense cycle model was based on research and best practices. * True False 6. In what era were boys first recognized as different from adults and needing different treatment? * 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 7. What makes JwSO youths a distinct population from adults? * Fewer victims Shorter duration of harmful behaviors Different motivations All of the above 8. Who suggested that the majority of JwSOs are generalist offenders who happen to commit a sexual offense. * Pullman Bonner Seto Both a and c 9. The “How I Think Questionnaire” is based in part on * Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. 10. Research (Ralph, 2015) found in a JwSO residential program, youths on average moved from a level characterized by an egocentric moral reasoning to a ________ level. * prosocial empathetic rule governed mature 11. Myelination continues in the brain until age * 15. 20. 25. 35. 12. The teen brain was described by NIMH studies as only about ___% mature. * 50 60 70 80 13. True or false? According to Dr. Daniel Siegel, adolescents systematically overestimate rewards relative to risks of behaviors. * True False 14. Who wrote Age of Opportunity? * Kohlberg Steinberg Ralph Siegel 15. What part of human male anatomy doubles from ages 12 to 16? * The brain The heart The bicep The lungs 16. According to 2013 FBI crime data, juveniles account for __% of arrests for forcible rape. * 10 15 20 30 17. In the Steinberg, Cauffman, and Monahan study of serious juvenile offenders, the majority stopped offending by age * 17. 18. 20. 25. 18. In the Cauffman et al. 2016 study of male juvenile offenders, increased psychosocial maturity predicted decreased psychopathy scores in adolescents but * only in those who completed treatment. not decreased AD-HD scores. not adults. within the margin of error. 19. Which of the following is NOT one of Sullivan, Grant, and Grant’s four levels of interpersonal maturity? * Impulsive Conformist Conscientious Prosocial 20. Effective probation counseling methods tend to include * firm, fair, and timely enforcement of consequences. close supervision pointing out of positive youth behavior All of the above Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ