Quiz: Beyond Motivational Interviewing: Mastering Empathic Listening & Compassionate Practice

(NOT115-04) Quiz: Beyond Motivational Interviewing: Mastering Empathic Listening & Compassionate Practice

Training Title: Beyond Motivational Interviewing: Mastering Empathic Listening & Compassionate Practice
This exam contains 10 questions. In order to receive credit, you MUST get at least 8 questions correct. You may attempt the quiz as many times as you’d like.

1. According to Stephen Andrew, what are the two most important principles for “Beyond MI”?
2. What did the Harvard longitudinal study following 100 men for 70 years conclude?
3. According to Stephen Andrew, empathy is the skill that sets up a state of ________.
4. What does Stephen Andrew suggest is the antidote to toxic shame?
5. What does Stephen Andrew call the self-protective pattern that people develop?
6. What does Stephen Andrew suggest is paradoxical about change?
7. What does Stephen Andrew suggest as an alternative to traditional staff meetings?
8. True or False: Stephen Andrew believes that having multiple therapeutic models to choose from is beneficial for clients.
9. What does Stephen Andrew suggest is the real goal of therapy?
10. What are the three skills Stephen Andrew emphasizes as important “Beyond MI”?