CE Center Blog

Our blog covers a diverse range of topics aligned with our mission of harnessing the power of knowledge, compassion, and innovation to create a world free from sexual and social violence. The blog content is designed to be informative, thought-provoking, and aligned with our core values and objectives. By sharing knowledge, insights, and updates, we aim to engage our audience, foster discussion, and contribute to the ongoing efforts to address the critical issues within our scope of work.

CE Center Highlights

Navigating Effective Treatment Methods for Individuals Who Have Sexually Abused

Navigating Effective Treatment Methods for Individuals Who Have Sexually Abused

The search for effective treatment has resulted in a variety of approaches: strengths-based models, offense-focused models, cognitive-behavioral approaches, insight-oriented, self-regulation models, and many more. How do clinicians determine which approach method has the best chance of having an impact on their clients? ...
Innovations in the Treatment of People Who Sexually Abuse

Innovations in the Treatment of People Who Sexually Abuse

In the mid-1970s, William Marshall and his colleagues at Queen’s University began to tackle one of the biggest questions facing therapists who work with people who have sexually abused: are those who perpetrate sexual abuse less driven by their impulse to offend thanks to treatment? Do we have an effective ...
The Holiday Season is Tough on Mental Health Providers

The Holiday Season is Tough on Mental Health Providers

We know the holiday season is tough on clients due to factors such as negative family dynamics, the loss of a daily routine, financial pressures, etc., but it is also a very tough time for those in the mental health profession. Come join us during Safer Society’s “Safe Haven,” an ...
Understanding Intimate Partner Violence

Understanding Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects individuals across all walks of life. IPV is abuse or aggression that occurs in a romantic relationship. “Intimate partner” refers to both current and former spouses and dating partners. IPV can vary in how often it happens and how severe it is. It can range ...
Motivating Suicidal Clients to Keep "Choosing Life"

Motivating Suicidal Clients to Keep “Choosing Life”

There is perhaps no more critical time for helping professionals to listen to a client than when they talk about suicide. As a professional, you want to steer the client in a different direction. But is that the best approach? During the Safer Talk webinar Building Hope and Motivation with ...
Building Hope and Motivation with Suicidal Clients in Criminal Justice

Building Hope and Motivation with Suicidal Clients in Criminal Justice

September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness month. The number of people with mental illness who are incarcerated is twice the rate of the overall adult population (NAMI). To help in the prevention of suicide, we are hosting a free one-hour webinar with Senior Training Consultant and Motivational Interviewing Trainer for ...
Teen Girls and Mental Wellness

Teen Girls and Mental Wellness

“Young people are telling us that they are in crisis.” – Dr. Kathleen Ethier In the fall of 2021, the CDC gave adolescents in high school The Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and the results were shocking. The survey found that “three in five teenage girls felt persistent sadness.” The girls ...