Quiz: How Humanistic and Existential Approaches Can Improve Our Treatment of Male Sexuality and Men Who Abuse

(OT176-A) Quiz: How Humanistic and Existential Approaches Can Improve Our Treatment of Male Sexuality and Men Who Abuse (OT176-A)
1. To whom is the presenter indebted for their work regarding existential psychotherapy?
2. What is over emphasized as an etiological factor in male sexual dysfunction?
3. To assume that the inability to have sex is only for the sake of ___________, misses the deeper significance of reduced penile function.
4. According to existential psychology, every person ___________ self.
5. People need other people
6. What kind of construct is existential psychotherapy?
7. Relationships are elemental because they
8. True or false? In existential psychotherapy, relationships are secondary to individuality.
9. Which of the following themes is a fundamental aspect of existential relationship work?
10. James Hollis said the best thing we can do for our relationships is render our relationship to ourselves more
11. How did the presenter characterize the approach of Laing and Szasz?
12. For too long, psychiatry tried to interpret the human mind
13. Who was part of the movement to rehumanize psychiatry?
14. Who said, “The more a man tries to demonstrate his sexual potency, or a woman her ability to experience orgasm, the less they are able to succeed.”
15. What did Rollo May add to Yalom’s existential dilemma of freedom?
16. Which of the following is one of Yalom’s existential dilemmas?
17. One key way in which existential sex therapy would differ from more mainstream approaches would be in its openness to _____________ sexual experiences and practices.
18. True or false? Understanding the dynamics of family of origin is often essential in humanistic-existential sex therapy.
19. According to James Cantor et al. (2013), the major models for understanding and treating hypersexuality employ a ___________ approach.
20. Who said, “If I knew I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
21. What did Yalom describe as “death defeating”?
22. In the case examples offered by the presenter, all clients who self-identified as “sex addicts” said their uncontrolled sexual behavior
23. Diagnosis and treatment on the basis of symptoms misses the __________ of these symptoms and behaviors.
24. Existential psychotherapy looks to ___________, not the sexual behavior per se.
25. The death anxiety of many people is fueled by