Quiz: The Fundamentals of Sex Offense-Specific Treatment

(OT231-A) Quiz – The Fundamentals of Sex Offense-Specific Treatment
1. The underlying assumption of relapse prevention programs was that unhealthy sexual behavior
2. True or false? When sex-offense-specific treatment first began, every agency that offered treatment employed a different type of program.
3. The relapse prevention model of treatment was originally designed for
4. Which of the following is a reason why relapse prevention is not a primary treatment approach?
5. Which of the following is NOT a problem of the “old school” approach to treatment?
6. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons the presenter gave for why cognitive-behavioral techniques were added to the relapse prevention model?
7. What was one key advantage to adding cognitive-behavioral techniques to relapse prevention treatment?
8. In the thinking distortions assignment, participants are asked to write out all of the following except:
9. Which of the following is produced by RNR adherent programs?
10. What does the first “R” in RNR stand for?
11. What does the second “R” in RNR stand for?
12. What does the “N” in RNR stand for?
13. In the evolution of treatment, which type of factor was added to risk assessment?
14. What source was the good lives model borrowed from?
15. With which of the following are avoidance goals associated?
16. With which of the following are approach goals associated?
17. What forms the basis for all treatment and supervision?
18. True or false? In static risk assessment, static variables are generally historical and unchanging.
19. What is the most commonly used instrument to assess static risk?
20. VRS-SO assesses pre-treatment risk using 7 static and ______ dynamic variables.
21. Which of the following is NOT true about dynamic risk factors?
22. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of an antisocial orientation?
23. Which of the following factors is related to risk reduction?
24. The two primary components of treatment are sex offense-specific treatment and
25. The method of implementation of the two primary components of treatment and the ratio between the two depends on such factors as:
26. Which of the following treatment intensity is recommended for participants assessed at very low risk?
27. Which of the following treatment intensity is recommended for participants at above-average risk?
28. True or false? For high risk-residential/inpatient clients, the recommendation is to offer a limited menu of sex offense-specific programming.
29.Which of the following is in the ATSA Practice Guidelines regarding deniers?
30. There is a bigger difference between the ___________ than there is between treatment models.
31. Which of the following was NOT cited by the presenter as one of the non-specific therapist factors that contribute to positive therapeutic outcomes?
32. Which of the following is an untrue statement about group process?
33. Dialectical behavior therapy was originally developed for treating _________ behavior of individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.
34. Reducing vulnerability is part of which DBT skill?
35.Being able to accept oneself and the current situation in a non-evaluative and nonjudgmental fashion is part of which DBT skill?
36. Giving of one’s self appropriately is part of which DBT skill?
37. In cognitive processing therapy, which of the following is considered a pattern of problematic thinking?
38. What dynamic risk factor is particularly relevant to future risk in psychopathy?
39. In arousal reconditioning, if the client is in a positive sexual relationship with a partner, sexual behavior with the partner should:
40. In arousal reconditioning, which of the following is an advantage of thought stopping and rational disputing?