Geral Blanchard is an author, lecturer, and psychotherapist who is conventionally trained in psychology and anthropology. Currently he maintains a private practice in Des Moines, Iowa. Gerry has served trauma victims and abusers for over 48 years. He has also worked as a consultant and trainer for chemical dependency treatment programs in four states and has provided program consultation at prisons in the U.S. and Sweden. Several of Gerry’s early books addressed the subject of sexual abuse. His book Transcending Trauma describes how posttraumatic stress (PTS) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can become powerful engines for personal growth and thriving — what he calls posttraumatic growth (PTG). Two more recent books, Ancient Ways and Ancient Ethics, explore indigenous innovations that can complement treatment processes in Western medicine and psychology. His latest book (2020), Awakening the Healing Soul, Gerry shares many stories drawn from visits with shamans around the globe. Gerry is a popular speaker who has chaired conference committees and given invited plenary addresses on the topic of preventing violence and aggression.