Course Quiz Part 3 Assessing and Treating Adolescents Who Sexually Abuse: Learning (And Re-Learning) the Basics (OC101-A) OC101-A Part 3 Quiz First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. SOAP sands for stable, occupied, accountable, and: * a. Place b. Process c. Plan d. Prevention 2. What is the most fundamental meaning of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians? * a. Find the best treatment. b. First do no harm. c. Put the patient first. d. Collaborate for the best outcome. 3. According to Edward S. Bordin, the therapeutic alliance includes agreement on: * a. Goals b. Relationships c. Tasks d. All of the above 4. According to Bonta & Andrews, the primary aim of correctional intervention is to reduce harm inflicted on the: * a. Community b. Client c. Victim d. Family 5. Part of the RNP model is to match the level of service to the level of: * a. Need b. Responsivity c. Risk d. None of the above 6. True or false? The first “R” in RNR” means matching the level of services to the level of responsivity. * a. True b. False 7. Gannon et al. found that treatment was associated with a ____% reduction in sexual reoffending. * a. 12.6 b. 32.6 c. 52.6 d. 72.6 8. What else works to prevent reoffending? * a. Common factors of effective psychotherapy b. Comprehensive re-entry planning c. Cognitive transformation d. All of the above 9. True or false? According to ward et al., 2007, [our clients] want better lives, not simply the promise of less harmful ones. * a. True b. False 10. The goals of the GLM approach include: * a. Reducing/managing risk. b. Attaining a fulfilling life. c. Psychological wellbeing. d. All of the above 11. Primary human goods include: * a. Actions. b. Experiences. c. State of being. d. All of the above 12. Markers for internal or external obstacles that block achieving primary goods are: * a. Secondary goods b. Instrumental goods c. Dynamic risk factors d. Maladaptive means 13. Ward and his colleagues encourage us to think in terms of the _________that underlies the risk and protective factors. * a. Hostility b. Narrative c. Trauma d. Obstacle 14. Substance abuse and other pleasure seeking and poor performance in school or work are two parts of Andrews & Bonta’s: a. Big 8. b. RNR model. c. Treatment goals. d. None of the above 15. The 10 original GLM primary human goods were converted for use with adolescents by Print, 2013, and Prescott, 2018, into ___ good life goals. a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 16. True or false? The GLM proposes that one of the reasons why offending and life problems result is that the person lacks the capacity to attain good in a prosocial/adaptive way. a. True b. False 17. In earlier texts on the GLM, “obstacles” were referred to as: a. Slipups. b. Hurdles. c. Flaws. d. Mistakes. 18. According to the GLM, an important job of therapist is to always meet their clients where they: a. Dream. b. Live. c. Work. d. Offend. 19. According to the GLM, another important job of therapists is to find their clients’: a. Guilt. b. Strength. c. Obstacles. d. Beliefs. 20. RNR-based assessment includes specific responsivity factors, such as a. Physical health. b. Developmental disability. c. Education. d. None of the above 21. A challenge for the clinician taking a GLM approach is to infer the primary goods that are implicated in the client’s: a. Dreams. b. History. c. Assessment. d. Offending. 22. GLM Intervention plans provide roadmaps for working toward: a. Enhanced wellbeing. b. Reduced risk. c. The dual aims of treatment. d. All of the above 23. True or false? GLM Intervention plans form the basis of future-oriented good life plans. a. True b. False 24. According to Yates, et al., 2010, an integrated good lives and risk management plan includes nonoffending, practical ways to attain goods and identifies: a. Client strengths. b. Threats/obstacles to goods attainment. c. Protective factors. d. None of the above 25. Who said, “Treatment is something we do for and with clients, not to and on them.”? a. Yates et al. b. Andrews & Bonta c. Print d. Miller & Rollnick 26. According to Levenson et al., which of the four types of responses to trauma may result in a client being hypervigilant, easily offended, and aggressive? a. Fight b. Flight c. Freeze d. Face 27. According to Levenson et al., which of the four types of responses to trauma may result in a client being passive, over-compliant, and dependent? a. Fight b. Flight c. Freeze d. Face 28. According to Levenson et al., which of the four types of responses to trauma may result in a client avoiding relationships and intimacy? a. Fight b. Flight c. Freeze d. Face 29. According to Levenson et al., which of the four types of responses to trauma may result in a client having healthy coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills? a. Fight b. Flight c. Freeze d. Face 30. Trauma interferes with: a. Decision-making. b. Prediction of sensations. c. Prediction of happiness. d. All of the above 31. What can remind us of how much power we have over clients? a. Cultural trauma b. Sexual offending c. Treatment planning d. Court-mandated treatment Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ