Quiz: The Intervention Intersection: Human Trafficking and Sexual Offending (OT121-A) Quiz – The Intervention Intersection: Human Trafficking and Sexual Offending First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. True or False? Human Trafficking is the same thing as smuggling. * a. True b. False 2. An example of a survivor’s voice is: * a. My story doesn’t matter b. My story matters because I am unrefined c. My story matters, but it does not define me d. My story is undefined, and it matters 3. The United Nations defines Human Trafficking, in part, as * a. Trafficking across international sovereign borders b. Trafficking in any illegal plants, animals, or persons c. The recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of persons by improper means (Correct) d. A and B 4. The most common forms of international human trafficking include: * a. Sexual exploitation and forced labor (correct) b. Falsification of passports c. Payment through cryptocurrency d. Removal from the Euro Zone 5. At the international level, human trafficking involves * a. Ever-changing supply side economics b. System I and System II thinking c. A buyer’s market d. Supply countries and demand countries, although most countries exhibit characteristics of both 6. Human trafficking: * a. Includes smuggling and/or forced movement b. Requires transportation and/or movement across borders c. Require physical abuse, force, and/or restraint d. None of the above 7. As of 2014, human trafficking was a lucrative industry, yielding an estimated * a. 1/3 of the combined economies of the US and Canada b. $150 billion per year c. 1/3 of all Internet traffic d. A and B only 8. In human trafficking, victims are seen as a “re-investment” because: * a. Drug dealers and arms traffickers must purchase or produce the products for each sale they make b. Victims of sex trafficking can be “sold” multiple times in one night c. Victims go on to be strong people d. A and B only 9. Which of the following is not a subtype of human trafficking? * a. Commercial sex trafficking of adults b. Commercial sexual exploitation of children c. Domestic minor sex trafficking d. Domestic terrorism 10. In the US, the federal definition of human trafficking includes: * a. Prostitution, pornography, and exotic dancing b. The presence of force, fraud, or coercion when the victim is under 18 c. Caretaker instability d. Prostitution only 11. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children involves: * a. Sexual activity involving a child in exchange for something of value or the promise thereof b. Treating the child as a commercial and sexual object c. Either domestic or foreign children d. All of the above 12. Which of the following is not true of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking? * a. It consists of all forms of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CDEC) b. The term is often used interchangeably with CSEC c. It involves children who were originally hired as domestic servants d. It involves children in the USA 13. What are the three elements that form the means of human trafficking and must be proven in order to prove trafficking for individuals over the age of 18? * a. Induce, Transport, and Obtain b. Force, Fraud, Coercion c. Commercial Sexual Exploitation, Labor Trafficking, Involuntary Servitude d. Recruit, Harbor, Transport 14. Which is not one of the three elements that form the “ends” of human trafficking and must be proven in order to prove trafficking for individuals over the age of 18? * a. Commercial sexual exploitation b. Labor trafficking c. Crossing state lines for the purpose of trafficking d. Involuntary servitude 15. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children can include: * a. Internet-based exploitation b. Informed consent c. Sexual images/videos d. A and C 16. Which of the following is not necessarily an example of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children? * a. A 30-year-old asking his 16-year-old girlfriend to perform commercial sex work b. A parent allowing the landlord to sexually abuse their 10-year-old son in exchange for the rent c. A 19-year-old male uses bribery to have repeated sexual intercourse with his 13-year-old niece d. A nightclub owner provides food and shelter to a homeless 16-year-old transgender girl in exchange for exotic dancing. 17. Who are the three major individuals in what’s known as the “Human Trafficking Triangle”? * a. Victim, Law Enforcement, Buyer b. Trafficker, Buyer, Law Enforcement c. Victim, Trafficker, Buyer d. Buyer, Victim, Law Enforcement 18. Local human trafficking intervention often involves all but which of the following * a. Region-based task forces b. Local faith-based organizations c. Local non-governmental organizations d. Local Better Business Bureaus 19. Important to know in identifying victims of trafficking is: * a. They are often in plain sight if you know what to look for b. Commercial sexual exploitation can often be mistaken as other forms of sexual abuse c. They ask for help by passing notes or holding up signs briefly d. A and B 20. Risk factors for being trafficked as a child include: * a. Experiencing poverty b. Being placed outside one’s home c. Having disabilities d. All of the above 21. Which group of individuals in general is vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation or labor trafficking? * a. Individuals who have experienced abuse or poverty b. Individuals who identify as part of the LGBTQI community c. Children who run away from home d. Individuals with disabilities e. All of the above 22. Common indicators that trafficked youth may display include: * a. Evidence of physical emotional or sexual abuse b. Cannot or will not speak on their own behalf c. Is not allowed to speak to others alone d. Appears to be under the control of another person e. All of the above 23. True or False? Forms of recruitment into human trafficking can include peers, romantic partners, and social media. * a. True b. False 24. A trauma bond is * A. An emotional attachment with the trafficker B. Sometimes thought of as a kind of “Stockholm Syndrome” C. Difficult to break D. All of the above 25. Which of the following is not a common ploy used by traffickers when recruiting victims online? * a. Advertising entertainment/modeling gigs b. Stating that they plan to traffick the victim (Correct) c. Soliciting sexual images of potential victims d. Initiating conversations and developing rapport with vulnerable individuals 26. Human trafficking is best contextualized within which of the following two perspectives? * a. Immigration and sovereignty b. Psychology and risk assessment c. Criminal justice and human rights d. Informed consent and age of consent 27. Research into people who traffic others still offers very few insights into: * a. Developmental factors b. Which prosecution strategies are most effective c. Effective treatment interventions d. A & C 28. Gotch’s 2016 study found all but which of the following? * a. Traffickers often have high levels of adverse childhood experiences b. Traffickers often present with risk potential for multiple forms of violence c. Traffickers are often “lone wolves” with no history of gang association d. Utilization of threats and violence are the most common control tactics 29. True or False? Domestic sex trafficking is a cultural issue for specific ethnic groups. * a. True b. False 30. Problems inherent in incarceration and containment include all but which of the following: * a. They do not address root causes of human trafficking b. They do not address environmental factors related to human trafficking c. The staff are often trained in approaches such as motivational interviewing, which are the exact opposite of what these individuals need d. They do not prevent future offending 31. The foundational principles of effective correctional intervention discussed include: * a. Risk, need, and responsivity b. Risk reduction, psychoeducation, and medication c. Risk, need, and responsible community living d. Food, clothing, and housing 32. Which assessment instrument(s) provide recidivism information specific to sex trafficking? * a. PCL-R and LSI-R/LS/CMI b. Static-99R/STABLE-2007 c. RSVP d. There are no empirically validated risk/need tools specific to recidivism risk for sex trafficking 33. Which of the following is not a hypothesis in working with people who perpetrate human trafficking in general? * a. They have high levels of psychopathic traits as measured by the PCL-R b. Money is the primary motivating factor and sex is secondary c. They benefit from interventions that focus on toxic shame d. They display an extensive use of power and control tactics 34. True or False? For individuals with high levels of psychopathic traits, treatment is most effective when Factor 1 features are targeted. * a. True b. False 35. What is the primary motivating factor for perpetrators of domestic sex trafficking? * A. Power, control and sexual interest/arousal to violence B. Money and status C. Hostility towards women D. Environmental factors Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ