Quiz – RNR and the Power of Preparation and Motivation for Group-Based Treatment (OT130-A) (OT130-A) Quiz – RNR and the Power of Preparation and Motivation for Group-Based Treatment First Name * Last Name * Email * 1. Contemporary sex offense-specific treatment (SOST): * a. Is too often a confrontational experience for clients b. Ignores, or fails to take advantage of the therapeutic power of the group modality itself. c. Does not adequately take into account the impact of the client’s experience of having been convicted and court-mandated into treatment on readiness for treatment d. All of the above 2. Common barriers to entering/engaging in treatment include: * a. Legal advice to withhold incriminating information b. Anger at the criminal justice system and perceived injustice c. Most health insurance carriers cover SOST for only 4-6 sessions d. A and B only 3. True or False? The RNR “Responsivity” principle is about maximizing the individual’s ability to learn from the rehabilitative intervention by providing CBT and tailoring the intervention to the learning style, motivation, abilities and strengths of the individual offender. * a. True b. False 4. Which of the following is true? * a. The therapeutic qualities of the group therapist (warmth, empathy, encouragement, and guidance) can positively affect outcomes b. The quality of group cohesion and therapeutic climate positively affect treatment effectiveness c. There is clear evidence that confrontation is ineffective, if not counter-therapeutic d. There is some evidence that SOST clients generally prefer group over individual. e. All of the above 5. Which of the following is not true about human beings? * a. Our bodies are pre-wired to be defensive and vigilant to danger and to react quickly (fight, flight, freeze). This is particularly pertinent for this client population with high rates of trauma, ACEs, attachment deficits, etc. b. We are social animals who are pre-wired to need and seek interpersonal connection (and it is highly rewarding when experienced!) c. Trauma causes the cerebellum and brain stem to weaken, affecting compassion receptors. d. High-psychopathy individuals do not benefit from sharing of diagnostic criteria e. C and D 6. True or False? The maximum number of group treatment participants is 4; with low-risk groups, 5 clients is an acceptable maximum number. * a. True b. False 7. Polyvagal theory refers to: * a. Recent advances in the biopsychosocial detection of deception b. The effect of polysubtance use on the brain c. Manipulation of the central nervous system during polygraph examinations d. None of the above 8. The RNR “Risk” principle says that intensity of treatment should be (slide 10) * a. Greater if the individual is considered low risk b. Proportional to the individual’s level of risk c. The same for both high risk and low risk individuals d. The greatest that is able to be provided 9. Although the RNR “Need” principle says to assess and target criminogenic needs, the presenters raise what question related to the RNR “Need” principle? a. Can non-criminogenic needs, such as low perceived self-efficacy and inadequate adult attachment styles, impede treatment of criminogenic needs? b. Can treatment ignore criminogenic needs and focus entirely on non-criminogenic needs? c. Can non-criminogenic needs function as a barrier to assessment and treatment? d. Is it easier to treat non-criminogenic needs using group-based interventions and easier to treat criminogenic needs using individual counseling? e. Both A and C 10. According to the RNR “Responsivity” principle, to maximize the clients’ ability to benefit from treatment, you should * a. Always increase the intensity of CBT treatment b. Always increase the amount of time spent on the standard core curriculum c. Use preparatory treatment to increase readiness and motivation d. Exclusively target criminogenic needs 11. Which of the following is true about treatment for those in denial? * a. Deniers will always be disruptive and undermine group treatment for non-deniers b. Deniers never make significant improvements in group therapy until they stop denying c. Group treatment can be effective with individuals in denial d. Vigorous confrontation from peers is the only way to break through individual denial in a group 12. According to research by Ware, Marshall, & Marshall in 2015, the main reason individuals deny their crimes is because * a. They enjoy lying about having committed a crime b. They fear they will lose family support c. It reduces feelings of shame or low self-worth d. They dislike the justice-system e. Both B and C 13. Which of the following is not true of the Pre-SOAR preparation program compared to the SOAR program? * a. Both address the same topics, so they are equally effective. b. The Pre-SOAR program is all individual sessions and has no groups c. The Pre-SOAR program is for those in complete denial , while SOAR is for those who admit. d. Individuals who complete both the Pre-SOAR and SOAR have reduced recidivism 14. How many hours is the SOAR program * a. 12 hours b. 30 hours c. 600 hours d. 2400 hours 15. Individuals who participated in the Rockwood Preparatory Program * a. Fared better during incarceration and on release b. Showed no significant benefits compared to those who did not c. Were twice as likely to reoffend once released d. Dropped out of treatment sooner because they no longer needed the “full” treatment program 16. The “Barriers to Change” motivational program was designed to * a. Increase the focus on criminogenic behaviors b. Offer an opportunity to experience positive interpersonal relations as a treatment target c. Increase motivation to participate in standard sex offense-specific treatment d. B and C 17. The results of the brief offending-focused motivational interviewing research by Ware and Hawkins raise what question? * a. Whether, according to the RNR “risk” principle, treatment programs must always directly target change in dynamic criminogenic risk factors to reduce reconviction risk? b. Whether motivational interviewing works as well in a group format as it does individually? c. Whether the RNR “Needs” principle is always more important than the “Risk” principle? d. Whether the RNR “responsivity” principle is relevant in group-based treatment? 18. The “Applications” motivational group was designed to: * a. Hit hardest on denial, aggression, and manipulation by clients b. Avoid confrontation, coercion and resistance c. Distinguish and reject inadequate attachment styles d. Reveal hostility caused by adverse childhood experiences 19. Getting the Most From Group workbook is designed to * a. Work strictly within the therapeutic framework of cognitive behavioral therapy b. Complement a variety of treatments by preparing, motivating, and engaging clients in treatment that is group-based c. Facilitate treatment in residential treatment settings only d. Facilitate treatment in outpatient settings only 20. True or False? Chapter 1, Strengths in the Getting Most From Group workbook centers on self-focus versus interpersonal focus. * a. True b. False 21. Chapter 2, Hopes and Fears of Group in Getting Most From Group workbook does all of the following except * a. Helps reduce natural anxiety about groups b. Compliments empirically driven guidelines for pre-group preparation c. Gives client chance to articulate fears d. Provide strategies for rewarding attendance and punishing tardiness 22. Chapter 3, Giving & Receiving Help in Getting Most From Group workbook covers each of the following except * a. Examples of positive and negative relationship dynamics b. Brief orientation to relationships and ability to give or receive help c. Common fears about giving help to others d. Common fears about asking for or needing help 23. The key elements of cooperation as listed in chapter 4 of the Getting Most From Group workbook include the following except * a. Defer to superiors b. Put yourself first c. Divide resources fairly d. Help your group 24. As listed in Chapter 5, Masculinity, in Getting Most From Group workbook, the seven elements of toxic masculinity include all of the following except * a. Rigid male sex role stereotype b. Tough and fearless c. Emotional sensitivity d. Independent and self-reliant 25. Chapter 7, Joining the Group, in Getting Most From Group workbook says that * a. It is important to be open about your most shameful behavior starting day one b. Starting with strengths does not increase the likelihood of a “good start” experience c. Anxiety and apprehension is high when one is entering a group for the first time d. You should accept negative self-labeling Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ